Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum

Our teachers recognise and cater for a range of learning styles through programmes and activities that support innovation, inquiry, curiosity, sustainability, respect, thinking, using language, managing self, relating to others, participation, contributing and digital knowledge.   These programmes encourage our students to participate in active investigations, and to integrate knowledge as they develop deep understandings.

Awahono School children are given opportunities to develop the essential key competencies through all curriculum areas and interactions with people, places, ideas and things.

Quality teaching and learning programmes in Literacy and Numeracy help children to develop the ability to speak, read, and write independently and with confidence. We use an integrated approach in the teaching of Health, Science, Social Science, Arts and Technology through our local curriculum, inquiry learning, passion and play based learning activities.  Due to the rural nature of our school we promote learning around our environment and our rural aspect (health and wellbeing, environment, farming industry, rural roads, bus travel and safety).

The _Big Picture_ of the Local Curriculum at Awahono School.pdf

Awahono School - 20 Napoleon St, Ahaura 7843        

(03) 732 3713            (027) 7503516

principal@awahono.school.nz      I      admin@awahono.school.nz